Musical Directors

Robb Topolski - Director

Robb Topolski is a dedicated choral director with over 25 years of cumulative education and experience. He completed the Certified Director criteria for the Barbershop Harmony Society in 2004. His passion for musical excellence has placed him into the leadership of a wide range of ensembles, from a high school student choir, church ensembles, barbershop choruses, a cappella quartets, and company groups.  With his deep understanding of choral techniques, stagecraft, and ultimately performance, he creates inspiring and engaging singing experiences for singers of all levels and their audiences.

Sally Beck - Associate Director

Sally Beck has been a member of Sweet Adelines for 50 years, having started her "hobby" in Dallas, Texas, after seeing a photo and write-up in a local paper. She joined the Greater Dallas Chorus in Dallas and later moved to Richardson, Texas and joined the Rich-Tone Chorus until she moved to Oklahoma City in 1980. There she joined the OK City Chorus where Ginger 'n Jazz Quartet was formed. Ginger 'n Jazz became International Quartet Champions in 1987. Sally has been a member of many medalist quartets including Texas Gold, Confetti, and Rhythmix. With Jim
Massey's encouragement, she directed the Sooner Sensations Chorus in Moore, Oklahoma before starting a chorus in Newcastle, Oklahoma, Spirit of Oklahoma Show Chorus. In 2003, Sally moved to Nantucket, MA. and ran a Bed and Breakfast until 2013, when she relocated to Hyannis, MA
. Sally is married to Tim Masterson and they share their home in Hyannis with 1 dog and 3 cats.

Lynne Marshall   -   Associate Director

Lynne Marshall grew up in Sudbury, MA, where she filled her time singing in assorted choral groups, performing in school musicals and taking piano and organ lessons. Shortly after moving to the Cape, she joined the Cranberry Shores Chorus in 1986 and has been enjoying the music and friendships ever since. Lynne was our director from 2004 to 2010, when she decided to return to the risers, becoming Associate Director in 2010. She sang in the quartet, Magic Touch, for 5 years, and also sang baritone in the quartet, Alakazam! She lives in North Falmouth and has 3 children, and 6 grandchildren!

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